Monday, May 29, 2006
Back again!
So what's new?
I have consolidated my citybitchdom by getting a job in the Sales department. This will mean a whole new power-driven wardrobe of course, although I aim to be a bit more bohemian than the average Sales Executive (suggestions welcome).
I will be starting in 5 weeks time so I still have my Customer services hat on at the moment (which is not half as stylish as the Sales one will be). I have been asked not to tell my colleagues until they find a replacement - so keep it under your hat for the moment (trilby or panama).
This weekend, as an attempt to start thinking in a more businessy way, I went to see the film "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the room" which I actually found very interesting. I had never really known what the whole story was about, so this was a really easy and entertaining way to find out in just 2 hours. Ken Lay, the CEO hid his corrupt business practice under a veil of religious "morality" - sounds like someone else we know? - in fact he was a personal friend of the Bush family. Definitely recommend it - especially in the light of Lay's and Skilling's (another former CEO) sentencing last week. So at least know I won't look totally ignorant if a client references it in a meeting.
Any further tips on how to bluff your way in the business world much appreciated.
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That Enron movie sounds damn good - I have preordered it from Lovefilm as it isn't on in Norwich (yet). thanks for the tip. Have you seen/what did you think of Da Vinci Code?
It is interesting. So you will be downloading it from the Internet? I can't really be bothered to watch Da Vinci as it's about challenging the beliefs of the Catholic church and I already think they're a load of mumbo jumbo.
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