Tuesday, January 18, 2005


City pad

A city pad is not sanitary protection for the working girl (check out this site on sanitary protection for dogs!), but rather a place to lay one's weary head at the end of the day (and have wild parties, bring a few unsuspecting beaux back to and turn into a music / dance / yoga / studio according to whim).
I am excited because I have just seen a really nice flat just off the Old Kent Road (not a typical citybitch haunt I know but it definitely has potential). It's just one bedroom but the loft could be made into a study as well (thanks Dad). It's on the top floor of a 3 storey block so no clip-clopping from above to be endured (amongst other noises). Does noise rise like heat though? Mainly the person who's selling it is really nice although I think she's been watching a bit too much House Doctor (you know, the "lay the table as if for dinner" and "bake some bread to seduce your visitor" programme). She seemed to have cleared out all her personal possesions apart from a bookshelf by the door in order to make the place seem more spacious and tried to pass it off as being minimalist. However, it is the best place I've seen so far (it's only the second one though) and is a mere snip at £140 000. I wouldn't dream of offering her more than £130 000. I've got 2 more places to see this week so we shall see how it compares with them.

Any hints at home-buying greatly appreciated.

Ann Maurice, the House Doctor - definitely a CB.

Just remember, it might seem expensive now but in the long run its cheap. Look carefully at the lease and any service charges, take a deep breath. You can look if you want but in the end you have to leap.
I think G cubed was being a bit boring there. 'Look at the lease' ???!!! I ASK YOU,

Frankly, you need somewhere to lay your head when you are not exploiting people. Other people's homes are for parties, not yours, so you don't need much space.
Go for it babe.
Thanks - well I have found out how long the lease is - 110 years but can't remember how much it is - details, details. Anyway, I'll have a look at the other two and then make my decision. Any tips on mortgages - which ones have you got?
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